Joe Fusco Asked:
I am going to start soon raising my preauth to $8.00, now at only 1 nights rental. I also want to put some games in. I would like to set the preauth for games higher but I don't see a way. I can't see a $50.00 game going out on an $8.00 preauth.
Is there a way to talk to DVDnow about changing the preauth by slot like you can for rental and purchase price?
Hi Mike,
Customizing a pre-auth for per slot is not available.
Operators can use the Customize Price Data feature to set higher or lower rental rates for days of the week or for specific slots.
This is one way to set a higher pre-auth fee. However, the limitation is with the pre-auth setting. Whatever pre-auth method you choose to use will be used for all card swipes. If you select full then all rentals are pre-auth for the full sale value.
One idea that we have been working on – when the membership program is launched we plan to include a feature in which members who have a perfect track record – with no declines – will automatically be changed from Full auth to partial. New customers or non-members would be subject to full auths. There are no estimated release dates available for this.
I hope this helps.
Mark Rudolph
Operations Manager | DVDNow Kiosks, Inc.