Friday, November 14, 2008

Wall-E DVD Art That fits-Thanks to Rhonda Young from VPD

Rhonda Young has been gracious enough to send everyon the Wall-e dvd case art. You can see that they added the spine to it so we can all use it in our box. The box art will work now so that you customers will see the title on the spine. If you need it sent seperately in an e-mail, let me know. It is perfect the way she sent it and won't need to be resized.

Mike Weiland


Chet said...

will the cardboard box it came in not work at all? this really pisses me off that we have to spend this time and money to remedy this situation

Anonymous said...

Well, I purchased the single disc Wall-E today and the DVD is scratched! Aparently, a lot of people are having this problem...

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

Call Rhonda at VPD and tell her. Also, you can fix these movies by resurfacing them. Pain in the butt, but works. I have had to do it before.

Here is Rhonda's info.
Rhonda Young
VPD, Inc.
Vending Sales Representative
800.366.2111 ext 2392
916.605.2392 (direct line)
916.605.2455 (fax)

Mike Weiland