Sunday, November 16, 2008

DVD Kiosk Art for December with Release Dates

Here are the movies with Release Dates that we are putting in our Kiosk during the month of December. Go ahead and help yourself. These will print out on your printer. As you may or may not know, you can get all of these ordered from VPD for I believe Rhonda Young said ($9.99) per kiosk. I am not sure how many they'll send to you but if you don't have a color printer, it might be worth it to have them send you the kiosk art. I like to get these sent to my host stores before the month starts so they can add them into the slots. Customers like seeing what is coming to the kiosk before they actually arrive...
Mike Weiland


Anonymous said...

Hi there:

I'm looking seriously at deploying a kiosk and am wondering what you all have found to work best for pricing, specifically in metro-suburb areas. It seems to vary a little from owner to owner.

Does anyone have any input there?


cddiller said...

Hey Mike,

I really like the idea of printing the DVD box art myself instead of buying through VPD (VPD sends a huge calendar and a bunch of box art pics that I don't use). Printing them myself (even at Kinkos) is much cheaper.

There are a few titles for December that I see you aren't putting up box art for. Where do you get the raw images? I've looked a little but haven't been able to find anything that's nearly as good as what you have...

Movies on the Go, LLC

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

I added a few more for you. Also, if you have problems finding video art, go here: and type in the title you are looking for in the search.

Mike Weiland