Sunday, February 22, 2009

March 2009 DVD Kiosk Insert Downloads

Sorry for being so late on some of these Kiosk Inserts. I hope that all of you are doing well. The last two months for us have been record months. I guess it just goes to show, these machines are recession proof. Actually, I believe for the price, you can't beat a movie rental. More and more folks are stopping by the store, grabbing a movie and a pizza. It's cheap entertainment and the whole family can get together to enjoy each other. On another note, Rich Comeux has stressed that we all make sure our contracts are in place. I couldn't agree with him more. He suggested 5 years. I have two locations at 5 years and my other 3 are for the next three.
This business is growing at an alarming rate and we are at the front of it all!
Michelle and I are going to post something really soon that you will all like. I am sure you'll take advantage of it. Hopefully we'll get it done soon.
Until Next Month, Happy Renting!
Oh, don't forget to send me your advertising, I am not sure if you noticed the dowload link on the top left side. The more ideas, the better.
Mike Weiland

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving YourDVD Kiosk

Dave has asked us a question regarding the movement of the Kiosk. Here is his question: said...


I would like to know how others have moved their DVDNOW Kiosk to a new/different location. I am considering moving my Kiosk and I was wondering if this is something I could do on my own, or if would be prudent to hire the technician who initially set up my kiosk?


I actually have some experience with this. I have moved three Kiosks in the last two years. Just so you know Dave, it's very simple. There is very little you need to do as they build these machines so you can do just that. Just make sure that the screws that are in your machine are locked in. Make sure that the carriage screws are in, the counter weight screws are in, the grabber screws are locked down and you should be good to go. I take the doors off and lock it up. I also wrap a huge thick blanket around the machine so it doesn't get damaged. I have a dolly that is the same as the ones that you get from Uhaul. They work great. You don't need someone to do this for you. A frined works fine. I have a trailer that is only 18 inches off the ground that I also use to haul my motorcycles that's excellent. The back of a pickup works good though. Just be careful when you drive over bumps. Make sure it's secure and not resting against anything hard. You'll want to watch the vibrations etc..

Mike Weiland

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Scratched and Broken DVD's

Kyle B. has left a new comment on your post "Pre Auth Issues and Questions":

Hey Mike,

Can you start a new topic about what other kiosk owners due when a customer gets a scratched or broken dvd. Right now I contact my customer and apologize for the promblem and give them a FNF rental. I would just like to what all the other owners do and if there is just a better way to handle those issues.

I forgot to add to the post I just sent in, is there a way to catch scratched or broken DVD's before they go out? Thanks

No problem Kyle. It's been discussed on the blog a little, but it would be interesting to see what others do in this case. I personally just get the phone calls and give them a free rental. Plus, I add them to the VPD Newsletter so they get e-mails from me once a week.

Mike Weiland