Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Redbox sues Universal

I am sure you all have some thoughts on the lawsuit! Let us know what you think..

copy and paste this URL into a new brower to catch up on some interesting comments:


Mike Weiland


Jason said...

I'm fairly new to this Blogging thing. I was attempting to create a new topic. Anyways, would you ask the group if they know anything about which corporate contracts that RedBox and MovieCube (The New Release) hold with grocery store chains or other retail locations .

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

The folks that are subscribed to this blog receive each comment posted. So, basically, you just did. If there's a new topic you'd like added, just e-mail me personally at service@readydvd.com... I'll add it for you.


Mike Weiland

Rich said...

This is a win win in my book. If Redbox wins this may set a case president for those to follow (could mean easy money for those of us that wish to file on our own). I read somewhere that TNR has hired a legal team and intends to file their own suit soon.

Rich said...


FYI ... I haven't recieved any emails related to this blog since I became a member.

Rich said...

Oh ya the other "win"

If Redbox loses this may make it very difficult for them to put Univ. movies in their kiosks … smaller operators like us can make it work … maybe gives us a little edge if Redbox stops carrying Univ. movies.

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

The first comments were posted this evening. MMMMM? Did you enter your e-mail address? I believe others are getting them. Look over your blogger info... Maybe it's just something on your end. Let me know.
I agree with you. I wonder if anyone has looked to see if Wanted is in the Redbox machines?


Kyle B. said...

I went and purchased Wanted from a Walmart here early in the morning on Tues. While I was there I checked the Redbox and they did not have or offer Wanted. They did have Narnia and Step Brothers.

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

All I have to say is "NICE"!!!!

Mike Weiland

DVDNow CHicagoland (Tom) said...

I just checked my local Redbox and it did have Wanted available.

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

I just checked and it showed the title but no movie art. In the box it said "Wanted", and has a synopsis. However, the movie is in none of the boxes in town. It shows an arrow next to it that says "view other movies".... Tom, I am wondering how they were able to put that movie in the box in your area. They'd have to go and buy it locally. This is getting more interesting by the day.

Mike Weiland

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

Tom, I just checked the Chicago area and looked in the Walgreen's machines. It displays the same thing. It won't allow you to reserve the title. Are you sure that they are in the machine? Or are they trying to trick you into thinking they are in there. Maybe they are banking on the fact that you will rent something else. They don't even have the movie art on the website.

Mike Weiland

DVDNow CHicagoland (Tom) said...

I went through the rental process. I got to the point where it was asking me to swipe my credit card. If I got this far, I'd expect it to be in the machine.

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

I'm sure you are probably right. Did you see any box art? Maybe it's just a glitch that there is no box art. Thanks for sharing this information. I wonder if they are having their local managers go to Walmart to buy them or order them from Amazon.com

Mike Weiland

Cj-Sg said...

I've actually been buying all of my DVD's from Amazon.com. With a Prime Membership all 2 day shipping is free ($79 per year = 6.50/ mo) and I don't have to buy large amounts to get the free shipping from VPD. Each movie I've purchased is at least 2.00 cheaper on Amazon and I've had great luck buying used DVD's at $5-$9 to stock my machine for the first time. We had 80 rentals in the first week and used a promotion of 1st night free. The majority of the time people kept it another day. It generated quite a buzz... same thing works for redbox and movie cube when they put in a new machine.


Mike at ReadyDVD said...

Amazon has been working out for us very well. Michelle and I wanted to wait a few times to see how it goes. I am happy to report, Amazon get's our movies to our Host stores in time. I of course, still love using VPD for all my other movies so my host store manager can see them before they go into the machine. Nice little perk for them.


Mike Weiland

Anonymous said...

Which type of movies do you buy from Amazon, and which type do you buy from VPD?

Mike at ReadyDVD said...

Hi Ryan,
Look under "How Do You Decide What Movies to Put In PLUS How much $$$.

Mike Weiland

Joe Fusco said...

Are you still using Amazon prime. I didn't sign up for the prime yet but was thinking about it. I was going to buy Milk and Role Models through amazon but is wasn't going to ship until the 10th, the release date. So I went with walmart.com and looks like I will get them tomorrow, the 9th. Are you getting the movies on time?