Monday, October 27, 2008

Game Questions for DVDKiosks

Another new thread that we haven't touched yet. I don't rent out games because there are just too many games out there. The cost, the game type and age appropriateness. There are so many factors to look over in the game rental business that I'd love to know who is renting the games successfully. Diane also has a great question for someone that's renting them.

diane said...
HI, I have the opportunity to put a kiosk in a mall but with DVD games not movies. Anyone got any comments regarding whether this is a good idea or not?
October 27, 2008 5:25 PM


Unknown said...

Hi everyone, we decided not to go for the mall with games only. Anyone else placed a DVD kiosk in a hospital or a college? Thanks for your help.

Joe Fusco said...

I just found out last night after reading the updated manual that we can set the slots to different rental prices. I have about 10 PS3 games less than a year old and some blurays I can throw in.

Does the kiosk take one size only case. Would I have to take the game and bluray out of the original case and put them in a dvd case? What kind of rate can I charge for the game?

I will keep you informed how well they do If I go through with it. How is eveyone else with games and bluray?

Not to get off subject but I hear different dates for Kung Fu Panda, Sat or Sun? And will the kiosk release on the right date?

vesmontana said...

Hey Joe,

Did you try the blu-rays yet?
I am thinking of trying them when Dark Knight comes out. If so what are you charging? I think we all are going to have to put them in eventually but it could increase our sales as well.

Joe Fusco said...

I put Wall-E Blu Ray in and it rented once for 4 nights. I charge $1.00 for DVD and $1.79 for Blu ray. I have it clearly marked next to the slot and across the top. Also have 'Blue Ray" on the case spine. I use a P-touch. It's great, they peel right off the metal of the kiosk when removing.

Careful with the wording. I had "Wall-E available in blu ray $1.79/night". With the Wall-e blu ray rented and not in the kiosk (with "blu ray" shown on the spine) the other Wall-e's were just sitting there. Everyone may have thought they were all blue ray the way it was worded. Now I changed it to "Wall-E in slot 104 is blu ray for $1.79/night". Just have to remember not to move them remotely.

I ordered 2 blu ray for dark night. See how that does.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,
I was wondering how the Blu-Ray rentals are going for you? Did Dark Knight rent well? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks! Tracy